I am considering hiring a Private Investigations Firm. What should I look out for?
The Private Investigator
The Private Investigator of today no longer resembles the trench-coated, fedora wearing individual of past films noirs, discretely observing their objective from a dusky hiding place. Nowadays, Dutch Private Investigators are properly trained specialists with a permit from the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security. Within the framework of strict regulations and legislation, they perform investigations on a commercial basis. Licensed investigators can be identified in The Netherlands by the so-called ‘Gele Pas’ (yellow card).
This card can be shown upon request. The investigator’s affiliated firm must carry a POB-number, which can be verified through Dutch screening authority Justis. As a detective agency, DataExpert also carries a POB-number (1773).
Working method & investigative tools
In addition, the working method and investigative tools used by the Private Investigator are also subject to clear legal guidelines. A Private Investigator’s means and options are by no means unrestricted, and all potential investigations require that a legitimate interest (such as concrete suspicion of employee theft or fraud) is established first. The Private Investigator must also consider whether an investigative tool is being applied appropriately. This is subject to the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity. If a relevant case is brought before a court, these aspects are always subject to critical review; so please be mindful of these issues when choosing to collaborate with a detective agency to avoid being left empty-handed if information turns out to have been rendered inadmissible because of improper working methods. This is a worthwhile topic of discussion for the intake interview conducted by any capable Private Investigator. During the interview, you should also enquire after the detective agency’s area of expertise, and why they would be the perfect match for your issue.
The Netherlands is home to the BPOB, the Branchevereniging voor Particuliere Onderzoeksbureaus (Industry Organisation for Private Investigations Firms). Member firms and agencies can be found on their website. A BPOP listing assures you of a firm’s quality, and its adherence to correct regulations. The Industry Organisation supervises correct working methods, mediates in case of complaints where needed, and provides firms with training and support. DataExpert is a member of BPOB, and can offer consultancy and support in various situations.
Tips when considering recruiting a detective agency:
- Consider your expectations of the firm, as well the goal of the investigation, in advance. There are many firms, often with different areas of expertise.
- Perform a background check. What is the organisation’s reputation, are there any reviews? Ask about their experience during an intake interview.
- During the intake interview, look for a sense of mutual trust. In many cases, the situations involved are of a very sensitive nature, and you will want to be able to talk freely with the investigator. Trust is a crucial basis for a good partnership.
- Make clear agreements about execution, duration, payment, and communication. A good Private Investigator will discuss these subjects in detail and document them in a plan of approach. In addition to being standard practice, it helps prevent unwanted surprises.
- Provide as much relevant information as possible. This benefits the investigation, as well as help the Private Investigator in performing their activities.
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