

NIS2 directive Update

The new NIS2 directive, which came into effect on 16 January 2023, marks an important step in improving digital safety within the European Union.

This revised directive, building on the previous NIS directive of 2016, aims to strengthen the protection of critical infrastructures such as banks, energy companies, and telecommunications companies against an ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

One of the most important changes is the extension of the scope of the directive, meaning that more sectors are covered by its obligations. This means that a broader group of organizations now must meet stricter security requirements. In addition, compliance monitoring and associated sanctions are harmonized at EU level, ensuring a consistent approach across the Union.

The impact of the NIS2 directive is significant. Organizations covered by the directive must adhere to strict security requirements and are obliged to report incidents to national authorities within 24 hours. These requirements pose significant challenges, especially for organizations that may not have previously been subject to similar regulations.

To comply with the NIS2 guideline, organizations must implement various measures. This includes establishing policies for risk analysis and security of information systems, establishing incident handling processes, and ensuring business continuity and crisis management. In addition, they must invest in supply chain security, train personnel in cybersecurity, and implement policies and procedures related to cryptography and access management.

Non-compliance with the directive can lead to fines and other punitive measures, making it crucial for organizations to make timely preparations.

DataExpert not only provides expertise and guidance in identifying and implementing the basic requirements of the NIS2 Directive, but also tailor-made solutions to help organizations strengthen their digital security and remain compliant in an ever-changing cyber threat landscape.

Please feel free to contact us to see how we can assist you.

Read more about the NIS2 directive.