

Training: Elastic Stack

Elastic Stack, also known as ELK stack, is a collection of open-source solutions that allows you to search, analyse and visualise large amounts of data in different formats in real-time. With Elastic Stack, you build fast, scalable and reliable customised solutions so that you can extract valuable intelligence from a mess of data at lightning speed.  

The platform includes the following tools from Elastic (maker of Elastic Stack):

  • Elasticsearch: the search and analysis engine behind the program.
  • Kibana: provides the user interface and enables data visualisation.
  • Integrations: enables the collection and linking of data.

Besides tools from Elastic itself, Elastic Stack can also be expanded with other valuable open-source programs.

Elastic Stack & Cybersecurity
Because Elastic Stack has real-time features, users can access the right information at the right time. This is crucial when it comes to securing an IT infrastructure and detecting potential threats.

In addition, the Elastic Stack can be expanded with other open-source tools in the field of cybersecurity such as Zeek, Suricata and Kafka for optimal threat hunting and network monitoring.

Follow our Elastic cybersecurity training courses
DataExpert, in collaboration with Elastic, offers three training courses that help optimise cybersecurity.

In all training courses, users learn to work with Elastic Stack in combination with other open-source tools.

Do you have questions about the above training? Then please contact us.