
About DataExpert


ISO-certifications 27001 & 9001
As from June 2022 DataExpert B.V. has a valid ISO 9001:15 and ISO 27001:2017 certificate (valid in the Netherlands). Below we explain what these certificates mean and what this means to you.

Quality management system QMS: ISO 9001:2015
The ISO 9001 standard is globally the standard for quality management. Having received this standard, we want to show you and your organisation that it is important to us to deliver the quality we promise. Since we have a quality management system, the employees of DataExpert know what our objectives are, which procedures they have to comply with and what their responsibilities are.

More information on the ISO 9001 certification can be found here. This is the link to the website of Brank Compliance.

Information security management systems (ISMS): ISO 27001:2017
ISO 27001 is globally the standard for information security. This certificate shows that the information security at DataExpert is approved. We have taken different control measures and quality control measures to secure internal and external information as good as possible.

More information on the ISO 27001 certification can be found here. This is the link to the website of Brank Compliance.

CRKBO certification
DataExpert also has a CRKBO (Central Register of Short-term Vocational Education) certification. With this certificate we comply with the Quality Code for Educational Institutes for Short-term Vocational Education in the Netherlands. The advantage of this is that our training courses are exempted from VAT.

More information on the CRKBO certification can be found here. This is the link to the website of the CRKBO.