
About DataExpert

Corporate Social Responsibility

Finding the right balance between people, planet and profit, that is what Corporate Social Responsibility means to DataExpert.

With our CSR policy, we want to:

  • be aware of cost factors for people and the environment. 
  • be attractive to other organisations (customers and suppliers) to work with. 
  • be attractive to (future) employees and improving the working motivation.

The CSR activities of DataExpert:

  • Sponsoring charity organisations, including Stichting Opkikker and Clini Clowns.
  • Sustainable and responsible purchasing of things like fair-trade coffee and other organic products for lunch. 
  • Striving for local recruitment when filling vacancies. Shorter travel distances are less of a burden on the environment (traffic management).
  • Lease car policy that stimulates energy-friendly cars. 
  • Purchase of energy-efficient equipment (lighting, printers, servers, air conditioners) that turn themselves off when not in use.

And last but not least...
Contributing to a safer world with the products and services DataExpert provides!