
i2 Group

Analysis Hub (formerly i2 Enterprise Insight Analysis)

Analysis Hub (formerly known as i2 Enterprise Insight Analysis/E.I.A.) is a central multi-dimensional analysis environment for combining and analysing large volumes of data with the purpose of fighting (cyber)crime.

Investigative organisations have an increasing need for consulting multiple sources, and quickly and efficiently collecting, centralising, combining and sharing important investigation information. All this within the framework of the law, security and privacy regulations. Using this solution and the additional modules, many data sources and forms of data - forensic, telephone data, cyber, geographical data, Internet and social media - can be analysed.

The solution and the conceptual architecture is not only suitable for Intelligence and Forensic departments of investigative services, but also for Anti-Fraud departments of commercial organisations and local governments. Analysis Hub also facilitates the collaboration between analysts and teams of analysts in larger, complex investigations.

Because the user interface is very similar to that of i2 Analyst’s Notebook, the analysts can easily adopt this solution. Furthermore, i2 Analyst’s Notebook and i2 iBase form an integral part of the solution, which is also beneficial to the ease of use. It has also been proven that the investigation process becomes more efficient and transparent because all users apply the same guidelines, analysis steps, data model and procedures.