
Analytics Training

Social Network Harvester Titan training

During this one-day training course, you will learn how to use Social Network Harvester (SNH) as a tool for collecting and analysing social network data during your investigation. Within the user-friendly interface of SNH, you can use extensive analysis and visualisation functionalities in the field of connections, messages, images, videos, comments and likes. This allows you to quickly and efficiently identify important network elements and previously unknown groups and connections. In addition, during the training you will learn to export the network or parts thereof and to secure them for further processing.

The training course is given in an interactive way, in which theory and practice are alternated. Topics are explained, after which the participants practice them independently or in pairs by means of assignments or cases.

For whom is this training intended?
For official investigation authorities, business consultancies, law firms or investigative agencies that want to gain more insight into social networks from a formal investigation and want to visualise and analyse mutual connections. There is a need to collect data for further analysis purposes.

What do you learn during the training?

  • Efficiently investigate Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Telegram, TikTok and GETTR.
  • Work with the Profile Manager in combination with the investigation accounts.
  • Collect/ scrape data and secure friend lists, group members, photo albums and posts on a timeline including comments and likes.
  • Optimal use of all dashboard functionalities.
  • Analyse the collected data, by establishing a user ID, identifying relevant profiles, providing insight into shared contacts, groups and activities, and preparing the data for export and further analysis.
  • Visualise network parts and secure relevant network data.
  • Work with the reporting tool.

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