

Cellebrite Premium ES

As a result of the growing number of locked phones (60% on average) and an increase in more recent and more updated models, there is a growing need for Cellebrite Premium capacity. Cellebrite Premium supports you by way of recovering passwords, unlocking mobile devices and circumventing locks on Android and iOS devices.

Premium ES, also known as Mobile Elite, makes it possible, with any UFED licence, to utilise the Premium capacities, by means of a digital safe in the network, the Enterprise Vault Server (EVS). By installing a Premium Enterprise Vault Server at one single central location in the network, each user holding an existing UFED can make direct use of Premium functionalities.

The communication between the available UFED and the Vault Server takes place via a secure connection. In short, Premium ES is a very scalable solution, where the chain of evidence is being maintained, logistic challenges are minimised and the productivity within an organisation can be increased to a significant extent.

Advantages of Premium ES

  • Reduces the time until presenting proof, specifically by having access directly, at any location, to advanced unlocking options.
  • Enhances the productivity of your organisation, the digital specialists can perform more extractions in less time.
  • Minimises logistic challenges, reduces the number of travel movements to a central lab.
  • Scalable solution, various opportunities that match the need and budget of your organisation.

More information about Premium ES? Feel free to contact us

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